Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hello Everyone!
Summer has finally arrived!  We are really enjoying the warmer temperatures and being able to spend some time outside.  Now that summer is here many of our weekends will be spent at the family lake house in Northern Illinois.  It’s a little over an hour from our house making it a quick getaway for the weekend.  Ryleigh really enjoys the beach and riding in the boat.  This will be Emily’s first year to really experience the sand and the water, so far so good.  I think she’ll like it a little more once the water warms up a bit.

I know that it has been awhile since my last update, so there is lots to share!!!  First and foremost, Emily is doing great!  The recovery from her removal surgery was much easier and quicker than the first surgery.  Her back is all healed and we are doing what we can to minimize the scars.  There has been quite a bit of buildup of the scar tissue so hopefully those areas will be part of a revision in the next surgery.  Here are a few pictures so that you can see the transformation. 


Around the front
As you can see there is still some left to remove.  We’ve been e-mailing with Dr. Bauer recently and he is still thinking that he will be able to remove what is left with an excision.  This is great news!  Originally we were going to wait until the end of the summer to have this procedure done, but with baby #3 due October 8th we wanted to move it up to ensure that Emily is fully recovered by the time the baby comes along. We were able to schedule the next surgery for August 16th with a pre-op appointment the day before.  I’m crossing my fingers that this will be the last surgery for Emily.  We have been so fortunate that even with the setback of the giant hole in the first round that Dr. Bauer was able to remove as much as he was.  And of course that Emily has been such a trooper through it all.
Emily is 13 months old today; I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by!  

Birthday Girl!!!

She is really starting to develop her own personality! She started walking on her own just last week and is very proud of herself. I think she finally got tired of being stuck in one place all the time and wanted to be able to chase after her big sister Ryleigh. 

She is starting to say a few words, the most popular being Bella.  Bella is one of our dogs and she’s not a big fan of kids, so we’re not really sure where Emily’s affinity for her has come from. Nevertheless it is still so cute when she calls out for her!
Hope that everyone is doing well!  Enjoy your summer!